ARA-MAG® AutoEX 48

Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction system

An automated system using magnetic bead for rapid isolation of DNA and RNA

from a various of samples.


1 – 48 samples in a single run


within 25 minutes


consistency, high quality and quantity


Easy to use

ARA-MAG® AutoEX 48 with Easy UI

The intuitive and user-friendly user interface (UI) of ARA-MAG® AutoEX 48 helps users

effortlessly access essential information and execute tasks, ensuring stability and optimal

performance even for those new to the system.

Principle of Nucleic Acid Extraction

The ARA-MAG® AutoEX 48 has three simple steps.

1. Lysis & Binding step 2. Washing step 3. Elution step

Blood DNA Purification

ARA-MagNA Tissue DNA Isolation Kit

• Isolation of genomic DNA without the use of harmful chemicals.

• More than 4 ug per sample using 200 uL of whole blood.

• Purification of highly pure genomic DNA with an A260/A280 ratio between 1.7 and 2.0 and A260/A230 ratio greater than 2.0.

• Ready-to-use for subsequent reactions like PCR, Southern blotting, any kind of enzymatic reactions, or library preparation for NGS.


Ordering Info